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Blade of Forever (The Complex Book 0) Page 4
Blade of Forever (The Complex Book 0) Read online
Page 4
Our footsteps were silent as we made our way past the rest of the Intra guards. Kelly opened a door, and we made our way into another room with a platform for transportation units, the ceiling so tall, the zippers hovering above us were stacked twenty high.
She stopped next to one of the glyders. “I’m putting in the destination where you’re allowed access. Do not stop the transport for any reason. Do not start trouble while you are here.” Her eyes met mine. She was dead serious for the first time. “You won’t like the outcome if you do.”
“I understand.” I hopped on the glyder board when she finished typing in coordinates. “So, how did the investigation go with my shop?”
She snorted and scowled. “Considering you’re here, I think you already know how that ended up. The investigation was flagged and removed as soon as it entered the system. No one will be charged.”
My nose crinkled. “And my shop? When will it be repaired?”
“Repairs are being done now. It’ll take three days before it’s finished.”
“Wonderful.” My scowl was as deep as hers. “I can’t believe how pink that place is.”
Her gaze instantly danced with amusement.
I held up a hand. “Don’t say whatever it is you’re about to.” She was a wicked woman. I pressed the button on the glyder, and it lifted into the air with delicate ease. “Later, pervert.”
She winked. “See you around, Ms. Boyd.”
The glyder was set on one destination. I followed Kelly’s instructions. There were many rooms where I would have loved to pause the glyder and look around, but I kept it moving. The presidents’ palace in the sky was exactly that. Luxurious and decadent.
Intra strolled the walkways, always on alert.
There were rooms I saw them go into, glimpses inside showed holograms of the streets of the Main City. They were keeping an eye on every single detail happening. It was incredibly invasive but clever for this experiment.
The glyder eventually stopped outside of a glass conference room. “You have arrived at your destination. Please exit the glyder. You have arrived at your destination. Please exit the glyder.”
“Yeah, yeah.” I stepped off the transport, and the automated recording stopped hassling me.
I glanced up and down the walkway. No one was here.
I carefully leaned over the railing and looked up and then down. Each section below and above was bustling with activity, the walkways in full use.
The door to the conference room slid open.
I stared at the blatant hint by the Intra surely watching me here. “Point taken.” I walked inside and sat down on one of the chairs around the long hovering table, tapping my fingers on it.
I jerked in surprise when a bottle of water lifted from a slot that suddenly opened up. “Um…thank you?”
I was talking to a table.
I never said I didn’t have issues.
The water was refreshing and cool. Perfect for my dry throat, nerves starting to set in. I stared up at the ceiling and spun my seat in a circle. I watched the lights as I turned around and around, getting dizzy and enjoying it.
“That’s your Human?” A snicker sounded.
My feet slammed down on the ground, stopping my playtime, and my attention snapped to the door of the conference room.
Gan was standing in the doorway, his arms crossed and a humored grin gracing his lavish lips. He peered to the Giant with him who had spoken. Gan nodded. “Her full name is Harley Amber Boyd. She’s all mine.”
My mouth bobbed as I stared at his guest. “President Ol Grazad.” I placed my water on the table and stood in greeting. “It’s a pleasure.”
His golden eyes held mine, his crisp black suit pristine and not a wrinkle in place. “It’s not nice to lie.”
“I know.” I smiled.
The silence in the room wasn’t heavy.
Quiet was just that. Peaceful.
His golden eyes turned to his best friend. “She’s got spunk. Not bad.”
Gan strolled in his black fatigues to stand next to me, eyeing his friend. “Like I said. I saw her first.”
President Ol Grazad…rolled his eyes. “Fuck off. I’m not interested in a Human. She’s beautiful, but not my type.”
I cleared my throat and then lifted a finger. “Right here. I’m standing right here.”
Gan smacked my ass, and his hand lingered there a second too long. His cool silver eyes sparkled in the light. “I know, Harley Boyd.” His eyes ran over my features, his tone quieting. “Ol and I have business to talk about. Can you keep quiet?”
My brown brows puckered. “Why did you bring me here if you have private matters to discuss?”
The President sat down on the chair closest to him, not coming close to us. Before Gan could respond, the president stated, “It’s what he does when he’s vetting a possible lover. If she talks about anything she hears, he kills her or has a curse put on her. If she stays silent, he lets her stay in his bed until he’s done with her.”
My attention snapped to Gan, and my eyes narrowed on his. “That’s bullshit. Just keep me out of the private stuff.”
“And that’s impossible,” he stated, running the backs of his fingers down my cheek softly. I tried not to shiver. He explained further, “I work so much it is inevitable that my lover will overhear delicate conversations.”
The president sniffed in my direction. “You’re dying anyway, Ms. Boyd. Death shouldn’t scare you.”
I sucked in a startled breath and stepped away from Gan, my eyes directly on the president.
The silence that descended was suffocating this time.
Gan’s attention was honed on his best friend. “What?”
President Ol Grazad leaned back in his chair, making himself comfortable as he glanced back and forth between us. He tapped the side of his nose. “She’s dying.” His head tipped toward me, his eyes on his best friend. “And by her reaction, it isn’t news to her. She’s just surprised I knew.”
I gasped. “How did you know?”
“It’s one of my gifts.”
Gan turned to step in front of me, capturing all of my attention. “You’re dying?”
My lips thinned. “I am.”
“Of what?” His forehead crinkled. “Humans are frail and have short lives, but you’re young.”
“It’s a disease that Emalo had. The Humans didn’t know it was there when we took the planet, and the cure for it is expensive. It’s why I’m here at the Complex. I needed the money for the healthcare.”
His brows were still furrowed. “What is the disease?”
“Kromoastilois. I contracted it from scraping my arm on the plant Gonsca on Emalo when I was fighting the Metas six years ago. The disease affects my bloodstream, but it only makes me tired now. In five years, it will begin to attack my organs, though. They will eventually shut down. That’s all the scientists can figure out with advanced testing.” I scowled. “It will kill me without the cure they finally created last year.”
Behind Gan, the president asked, “Is it contagious to other Humans?”
“It can be, yes. If I don’t take precautions.”
Gan took a step forward, almost brushing my body with his, once again capturing my attention from his friend. “How much is the cure?”
“Thirty thousand S-Co,” I griped.
His nostrils flared. “That’s robbery against their own people. Humans who are dying.”
I nodded. I didn’t disagree.
The president grumbled, “That’s what happens when war beats down a race to the point they act like greedy animals.”
I peered around Gan’s body and scowled. “Please don’t refer to my race as animals. The Metas are the ones who have actual animals—”
“Enough,” Gan cut me off, distracted by his own thoughts as he grabbed my right shoulder and forced me to stand in front of him again. His silver eyes tracked mine, his words quiet and menacing. “Ol will talk to your presid
ent on Emalo. Half of the Complex money is in your account, so you should be able to get your cure now.”
“Thanks for asking me first, lover boy,” the president grumbled. Then he commented in a kinder tone, “Yes, I will do that for you, Human.”
My heart started pounding in excitement and my breathing accelerated. “That would be amazing.” No more tiredness. No more restlessness nights of worry. “Truly. Thank you.”
Both Gan and the president murmured, “You’re welcome.”
Gan brushed his fingers over my cheek again and pressed his body against mine. My stomach quivered at the touch, and my body warmed against his. He inhaled heavily, and his eyes heated in desire. He whispered, “You can go back to your apartment if you’re tired. I’ll meet you there later.”
I hummed in contentment, leaning against his solid strength. “I thought you wanted to test me here.”
His grin was small and intimate. “I can do that another time. Once you’ve had your cure.”
“How very sweet of you.”
“I’d agree.” He leaned down and pressed his lips to mine in a gentle kiss. I sighed at the warmth flooding between legs, his mouth better than any galaxy’s star. He brushed his lips against mine twice before pulling back. “I’ll see you later.”
I nodded, my eyes caught on his sensual mouth. “I did get that new bed you had the Intra bring today. It’s soft as sin.”
The president cleared his throat. Loudly. “Lover boy, we do have business to discuss right now. You can see to all your foreplay later.”
Gan smirked and bent, kissing my lips once more. “Keep the bed warm for me. Just because you have a little disease, I won’t go easy on you in the bedroom.”
I winked. “Perfect.” This time, it was I who slapped his ass when I walked around him to the door.
He chuckled quietly and eyed my backside. “I knew you’d grope my ass soon.”
I grinned but stopped when I noticed something on the floor. I bent down to pick up a metal object that was about the length of my forearm and cylinder with odd grooves in it. It was heavy to hold, and I struggled to lift it. I turned to Gan and the president, holding it with two hands so I didn’t drop the heavy object, my muscles straining under the weight.
I asked, “Did one of you drop this?”
The object suddenly turned bright red and warmed. I jerked back and released it. It bounced on the ground and rolled a foot away from me. The color changed back to dark gray, the metal appearing normal now.
“What the hell?” My brows furrowed as I crouched back down. I touched it with one finger and watched as it turned red once more. I yanked my hand away, my cautious eyes lifting to the two stone-faced Giants, their attention zeroed in on the object. “Anyone know what that is?”
The president blinked ever so slowly. His hand instantly went underneath his suit jacket at his waist. It stayed there, and a look of profound relief passed over his features. His golden eyes slowly traveled to his best friend who stood completely still. He stated gently—carefully, “One of us dropped his sword. It wasn’t me, my friend.”
Gan’s entire body jerked, his silver eyes flashing to his friend. He didn’t speak at all, his own right hand going to his side and patting frantically. He stopped when he found nothing there. Gan merely held still and stared blankly into his friend’s eyes.
I stood up slowly and backed up a step from the object. “That’s your sword?” It didn’t look like a sword. I shook my head. “I swear I didn’t break it. It just glowed and got warm—”
Gan’s attention was still on his friend, but he snapped out of whatever he was thinking, opened his mouth, and roared, “Get away from her!”
My hands shot out to my sides as the entire room literally vibrated from his fury. His shout had been so loud, the beat of my heart was all I could hear, my ears starting to ring without mercy. My eyes widened in terror as his hands curled into fists, and the room shook even further as he glared daggers at his best friend.
The president scowled, but he wasn’t shocked as I was with the room shaking as if an earthquake had hit. He stood from his chair and took large steps away from me, pressing his back against the far wall. His voice was irritated as he grouched, “Is this far enough?” He narrowed his eyes further. “It’s me, my friend. Snap out of it.”
Gan marched straight at me.
I yelped in surprise when he wrapped one arm around my waist and lifted me off my feet. He held my body hard against his side, his furious gaze still on his friend. I barely heard him, he growled so quietly, “She’s mine.”
The president snorted. “That much is obvious.” Golden eyes flicked to mine and evaluated the frightened shock riding my features. “Calm down, Human. You are safe.”
I blinked repeatedly, and my voice wavered. “What’s going on?”
The president switched his regard back to his friend and raised his brows, his words soft. “Come back to us, Gan.” He shook his head his eyes alight in humor. “You’re scaring her. She doesn’t understand.”
The room instantly stopped shaking.
Gan’s head gradually turned in my direction, his nose touching mine. He held me so close and high. He whispered, “You never have to fear me, Harley Boyd. You are my mate.”
My eyes hurt they widened so massively.
“Mate? What the hell!” Thoroughly confused, my jaw dropped, and my arms waved in the air. I screamed, “But I’m Human!”
President Ol Grazad cleared his throat. “I’m going to step outside to give you two privacy, but, Gan, try not to bond with her right now. We do have that business to discuss.” When he moved an inch closer to us, the room started to vibrate again. His golden eyes flashed on Gan. “You’re standing in front of the door. Move over there if you can’t control yourself yet.”
Gan grunted and narrowed his eyes on his friend, but he did move away—far away—from the door, still holding my frame tight against his body with one arm. Instinct had me wrapping my arms around his neck when he dipped in a smooth motion and lifted his ‘sword’ from the ground with no effort at all.
The door slid shut behind the president as he exited. It was then I noticed other Giants standing in the shadows farther down the walkway. They instantly moved toward their president, his personal guard from the way they were dressed, but when the glass of the conference room cracked from the sudden harsh shaking inside the room, the president threw up his arms in a stopping motion.
The guards halted instantly.
The president tossed an irritated expression in Gan’s direction, but he moved toward his guards—away from us.
I peered at the side of Gan’s face as he watched the other Giants. My voice shook far too much for me to pretend I wasn’t going to lose my mind soon if I didn’t get answers.
“What is going on? I don’t understand!”
Gan waited until the president was all the way down the walkway and then waited even further until the president made his guards back up even more. His silver eyes finally turned to meet my frightened gaze. “Giants have mates.”
“Since when?” My voice was shrill. I didn’t care.
“Since forever.” His features softened as he searched my eyes. “We don’t speak of it to anyone outside of our kind. Mates are precious and rare.”
I shook my head. “How do you know I’m your mate?”
“My sword claimed you.” He lifted his ‘sword.’
“That doesn’t look like a sword at all,” I argued. “And how in the galaxy does a sword claim a mate for a Giant?”
Gan grinned, not setting me on my feet. With his ‘sword’ still lifted in the air, he rotated his wrist. All of a sudden, the metal glowed red…and the biggest blade I had ever seen extended from the handle. The handle stayed red while the black obsidian metal of the blade glistened under the light.
I blinked. “Okay. That looks like a sword.” I continued to stare. “It’s very big.” And sharp.
The enormous blade
was impressive.
“Thank you.” He chuckled softly and rotated his wrist again, smoothly swinging the sword next to him. The blade disappeared, and the metal of the grooved handle stopped glowing.
“But how does it claim someone?” I tightened my hold around his shoulders and brought my face closer to his. “You need to tell me what the hell is going on before I start slicing you up with your own sword.”
He snorted. “You could barely hold the handle.”
That wasn’t my point. “Answers. Now.”
Silver eyes stared at me with pure possession. It was more than intimidating. As if he weren’t changing my life entirely, he explained casually, “A Giant’s blade is created on the day of their birth by one of our best blacksmiths. The babe’s right hand is cut, and their own blood is forged into the sword as it’s made.”
That explained nothing. “And?”
“A Giant’s blood contains their life magic.”
I blinked. “So, it’s magic?”
He shrugged his shoulders under my arms. “A Giant is magic. Every gift we have, including immortality, is a part of who we are.”
My heart was still racing. “I’m confused.”
He nodded in understanding. “When a Giant is born, it is the most magical gift. Since we are immortal, we don’t procreate as Humans do. Children are only conceived when a mated pair have intercourse, and since it is rare to find a mate, our birth rates are extremely low.”
“And what does the blood in the sword have to do with anything? You still haven’t explained how a sword claims someone.”
“I’m getting there.” His eyes crinkled in delight.
“Well, say it already!” I shook his shoulders.
He chuckled and kissed my lips softly, shocking me into muteness. “Our blood at birth is the secret. A Giant’s blood is at its most powerful when they first come into this world. The blood in the sword knows who the Giant’s intended mate is.”
I stared. “And?”
“When you picked it up, it turned red.”
“Keep going.”
“It only turns red for its owner.” He winked. “Or the person’s mate.” He grinned. “Only the two of us can use my sword, activate it so the blade is released. But…since you can’t hardly hold the handle, you would probably fall flat on your face once you released the blade.”